
Showing posts from May, 2019

Understanding Linux Containers

What are Containers?  The name is derived from shipping industry.  “Developer says the code works fine on my DEV environment; Tester says no the same code doesn’t work on my System Test environment.” Sounds familiar?  ♬ One of the major goal of container is to solve this problem.   Containers are collection of your application code and its dependencies packaged in a standard & lightweight unit of software. This allows you to run your application quickly and reliably on one computing environment to another. Container technology has evolved around Linux operating system features. Containers use various Linux kernel features listed below to provided isolated environment like Virtual Machines. -        Namespaces -        CGroups -        Apparmor -        SELinux Profiles -        chroot Linux Containers are operating system level virtualization technology which can provide multiple isolated environments on a single Linux host. Con